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Konstantin Chaykin Lunokhod fake watch Hands-On

As dark as this fake watch looks, the people who make it are very bright. While new, the Konstantin Chaykin Lunokhod fake watch has an aged feel to it. I am going to liken it to the a nicely aged pair of jeans. It looks as though it has been happily on your wrist for a while due to the distressed leather strap and the Wootz steel case.

When I first discussed the Konstantin Chaykin Lunokhod fake watch here I mentioned that Wootz steel is made using a very ancient process that has been around for over 2000 years. This helps the case of the fake watch look like the most modern thing in the bronze age ?an excellent fit for when you want something unique. I was actually surprised by how slim the case is. Given the design, I would have imagined the case to be very thick. Not so at all. The case is rather long and the lugs curve to so that it wraps your wrist. I wouldn't characterize this as a fake watch for small wrists but it could, perhaps, work with a shorter strap.

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Not only is this fake watch original but it has a specialness to it that separates it from many other indie watches. The Russian men behind it are talented and serious about their work. It is like a mad watchmaker got together with an avant-garde designer and didn't necessarily tone themselves down, but rather had to cooperate to make something that could actually work. You may be asking, "What about the influence from the Russian moon lander on the design??Well, there is the "wheel?crown, and some little details here and there, but the Lunokhod lander is more inspiration than anything else.

The movement also has an aged look to it ?steampunk lovers will rejoice. If you don't find appeal in the half bubble moonphase and the less than precise indicator of time, the good news is that Konstantin Chaykin will use the case design as a model for future replica watches that will feature other complications. These guys are just getting started with the Lunokhod legacy. I think that, with some inspiration, this collection could be interesting for years to come. Price, however, isn't going to be on the affordable side for most people. If my memory serves correctly these will go for about 100,000 Swiss Francs a piece.

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